This report summarizes hydrogeomorphic and aquatic survey monitoring data collected at Childs Meadow during the summer season (approximately June-October) in 2023.
This report summarizes hydrogeomorphic and aquatic survey monitoring data collected at Van Norden Meadow during the summer season (approximately June-October) in 2022 and 2023.
The Restoration of Priority Meadows in the Walker Watershed Project was highly successful and provided benefits to Yosemite toad and the Walker River watershed.
This report summarizes a groundwater and surface water modeling framework developed for Van Norden meadow to evaluate the potential effects of various restoration options.
This report summarizes hydrogeomorphic and aquatic survey monitoring data collected at Van Norden Meadow during the summer season (approximately June-October) in 2020 and 2021.
The Carman Watershed Restoration Project Phase 2 monitoring report summarizes pre-project (baseline) and construction monitoring for the Phase 2 project sites under California Department of Fish and Wildlife Watershed Restoration Grant Program Agreement #P1796015. Phase 2 project sites include Site #1 Folchi Meadows, Site #2 Folchi Meadows Railroad Grade, Site #4 Carman Creek, and Site #8 Carman Creek.
The Carman Watershed Restoration Project Phase 2 Post-Project and Adaptive Management Monitoring Report summarizes early season (February-March 2020) post-project condition of the Carman Watershed Restoration Phase 2 projects. Phase 2 project sites include Site #1 Folchi Meadows, Site #2 Folchi Meadows Railroad Grade, Site #4, and Site #8. Project sites are located in Plumas and Sierra Counties in the northern portion of the Sierraville Ranger District of Tahoe National Forest (TNF) approximately 2 miles north of Calpine, California.