

This report summarizes hydrogeomorphic and aquatic survey monitoring data collected at Childs Meadow during the summer season (approximately June-October) in 2023. 

Resource Type: Reports

This report summarizes hydrogeomorphic and aquatic survey monitoring data collected at Van Norden Meadow during the summer season (approximately June-October) in 2022 and 2023.

Resource Type: Reports


Resource Type: Reports

The Restoration of Priority Meadows in the Walker Watershed Project was highly successful and provided benefits to Yosemite toad and the Walker River watershed. 

Resource Type: Reports

This report summarizes a groundwater and surface water modeling framework developed for Van Norden meadow to evaluate the potential effects of various restoration options.

Resource Type: Reports

This report summarizes hydrogeomorphic and aquatic survey monitoring data collected at Van Norden Meadow during the summer season (approximately June-October) in 2020 and 2021.

Resource Type: Reports


This senior thesis explores the effects of ditching on soil structure and vegetation community in two fens in Childs Meadows.
Resource Type: Reports


The Carman Watershed Restoration Project Phase 2 monitoring report summarizes pre-project (baseline) and construction monitoring for the Phase 2 project sites under California Department of Fish and Wildlife Watershed Restoration Grant Program Agreement #P1796015. Phase 2 project sites include Site #1 Folchi Meadows, Site #2 Folchi Meadows Railroad Grade, Site #4 Carman Creek, and Site #8 Carman Creek.

Resource Type: Reports

The Carman Watershed Restoration Project Phase 2 Post-Project and Adaptive Management Monitoring Report summarizes early season (February-March 2020) post-project condition of the Carman Watershed Restoration Phase 2 projects. Phase 2 project sites include Site #1 Folchi Meadows, Site #2 Folchi Meadows Railroad Grade, Site #4, and Site #8. Project sites are located in Plumas and Sierra Counties in the northern portion of the Sierraville Ranger District of Tahoe National Forest (TNF) approximately 2 miles north of Calpine, California.

Resource Type: Reports
The primary goal of this demonstration project was to restore a portion of Childs Meadow, a 290-acre meadow complex near Lassen National Park in California, in order to increase carbon storage, improve water holding capacity, and increase populations of riparian birds and sensitive meadow-dependent species.
Resource Type: Reports