

This report summarizes a groundwater and surface water modeling framework developed for Van Norden meadow to evaluate the potential effects of various restoration options.

Resource Type: Reports


This published journal article by Eyster et al. in 2023 presents a groundwater model developed for Van Norden meadow to assess the impact of dam removal on groundwater elevations in the meadow.
Resource Type: Journal Articles


This report summarizes hydrogeomorphic and aquatic survey monitoring data collected at Van Norden Meadow during the summer season (approximately June-October) in 2020 and 2021.

Resource Type: Reports

The Restoration of Priority Meadows in the Walker Watershed Project was highly successful and provided benefits to Yosemite toad and the Walker River watershed. 

Resource Type: Reports


This senior thesis explores the effects of ditching on soil structure and vegetation community in two fens in Childs Meadows.
Resource Type: Reports

Beaver-related restoration is a process-based strategy that seeks to address wide-ranging ecological objectives by reestablishing dam building in degraded stream systems. Although the beaver-related restoration has broad appeal, especially in water-limited systems, its effectiveness is not yet well documented. In this article, we present a process-expectation framework that links beaver-related restoration tactics to commonly expected outcomes by identifying the set of process pathways that must occur to achieve those expected outcomes. We explore the contingency implicit within this framework using social and biophysical data from project and research sites. This analysis reveals that outcomes are often predicated on complex process pathways over which humans have limited control.

Resource Type: Journal Articles


The primary goal of this demonstration project was to restore a portion of Childs Meadow, a 290-acre meadow complex near Lassen National Park in California, in order to increase carbon storage, improve water holding capacity, and increase populations of riparian birds and sensitive meadow-dependent species.
Resource Type: Reports
Story Map of Childs Restoration from California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Resource Type: Websites
This poster was presented at the American Geophysical Union scientific conference in December 2020. It summarizes the impacts of draining the reservoir at Van Norden on groundwater levels in the meadow.
Resource Type: Posters

The Carman Watershed Restoration Project Phase 2 Post-Project and Adaptive Management Monitoring Report summarizes early season (February-March 2020) post-project condition of the Carman Watershed Restoration Phase 2 projects. Phase 2 project sites include Site #1 Folchi Meadows, Site #2 Folchi Meadows Railroad Grade, Site #4, and Site #8. Project sites are located in Plumas and Sierra Counties in the northern portion of the Sierraville Ranger District of Tahoe National Forest (TNF) approximately 2 miles north of Calpine, California.

Resource Type: Reports

The Carman Watershed Restoration Project Phase 2 monitoring report summarizes pre-project (baseline) and construction monitoring for the Phase 2 project sites under California Department of Fish and Wildlife Watershed Restoration Grant Program Agreement #P1796015. Phase 2 project sites include Site #1 Folchi Meadows, Site #2 Folchi Meadows Railroad Grade, Site #4 Carman Creek, and Site #8 Carman Creek. Project sites are located in Plumas and Sierra Counties in the northern portion of the Sierraville Ranger District of Tahoe National Forest (TNF) approximately 2-miles north of Calpine, California. Approximately 375-acres of severely degraded meadow and stream channels were restored during Summer 2019.

Resource Type: Reports