Fens of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA: patterns of distribution and vegetation

A broad sample of 79 montane fens in the Sierra Nevada revealed that underlying geology and topography exert strong control over the distribution and vegetation of these ecosystems. Distinct granodiorite, metamorphic, volcanic, carbonate and serpentine bedrock geology resulted in very different water chemistry, which had significant effects on the particular plant species found at each site. Wide-ranging values of pH (4.28–8.00) and dissolved cation concentrations (1.6–62.0 mg L-1) spanned the categories of transitional poor– rich to extremely rich fens. The vegetation of a pair of fens on carbonate bedrock and two floating mat fens was markedly different from the vegetation recorded at any other study sites. Once these outlier fens were removed from the analyses, the environmental variables that correlated most closely with the vegetation data were pH, altitude, presence of volcanic bedrock and fen slope. The measured environmental parameters explained 9.7 % of the variability in the vegetation data. Species richness was primarily (and negatively) correlated with altitude. Peat thickness (15–253 cm) was constrained in smaller catchments and on steeper slopes, and was positively correlated with soil organic matter content (16–92 %). Of the four typical fen landforms (bedrock contact, slope, spring mound and basin), sloping fens were the most common (63 % of the 79-fen sample).

Wolf, E. C. & Cooper, D. J. (2015). Fens of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA: Patterns of distribution and vegetation. Mires and Peat. 15.

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